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 Joueur du mois de Novembre

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Messages : 427
Date d'inscription : 31/08/2007
Age : 34

Joueur du mois de Novembre Empty
MessageSujet: Joueur du mois de Novembre   Joueur du mois de Novembre Icon_minitimeMar 22 Jan - 2:54

Player of the month: Miikka Kiprusoff (G)
NHL has awarded Miikka Kiprusoff (G) of Calgary Flames as Player Of The Month He registered 12 wins and allowed 22 goals in 15 games last month.

A native of Finland, Miikka Kiprusoff was originally drafted to the NHL by the San Jose Sharks in the 5th round of the 1995 entry draft. He has appeared in 186 NHL games during his career, booking 21 career shutouts and allowing 379 goals. The 30 year old goaltender has played 27 games with the Calgary Flames this season, allowing 50 goals on 526 while booking 4 shutouts.

Rookie of the month: Evgeny Malkin (C)
NHL has awarded Evgeny Malkin (C) of Tampa Bay Lightning as Rookie Of The Month He registered 5 goals and 8 assists for 13 points in 14 games last month. He also had 1 game winning goal.

A native of Russia, Evgeny Malkin was originally drafted to the NHL by the Pittsburgh Penguins in the 1st round of the 2004 entry draft. He has appeared in 24 NHL games during his career, notching 7 goals and adding 10 assists along with 12 penalty minutes. The 20 year old center has played 24 games with the Tampa Bay Lightning this season, totalling 7+10=17 with 12 PIM.
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